Lavalla Bowling Club

This information was sourced from The Lavalla Member Blog (last updated 16 January 2010) and from personal experiences.

A selection of Lavalla Bowling Club badges.

Lavalla Bowling Club was located on the corner of Rifle Range Road and Windsor Road Northmead.

In the early 1960s Brother Jack (John) Allman (Parramatta Marist & St Vincents Boys Home) together with five other people including Peter Vidilini formed a committee to look at the formation of a licensed club for old boys of Parramatta Marist Bros High School and Marist Bros Rugby League Football Club. In order to obtain a liquor licence the club had to be a sporting club.

On 13 October 1964 Lavalla Bowling Club Limited was incorporated. In May 1966 the Club’s premises at Northmead were officially opened. It consisted of two bowling greens, a carpark and a clubhouse. Originally only Catholics could vote at meetings and elections for directors. Members also had to play bowls.

Dr George Malouf (the foundation president of the Club) and other members of the Malouf family were instrumental in recruiting members of the Lebanese community to the Club.

In the early 1970s, a number of the lay teachers were great supporters of the Club. Sixth Form (Year 12) end of school formals were held at the Club, (men and boys only).

16 November 1981, in an attempt to improve membership the Club’s constitution was changed deleting reference to “Marist Brothers” and giving non-Catholics full voting rights.

17 December 1982 random breath testing was introduced to New South Wales. This curtailed the activities of some of the more dedicated club members.

The Lavalla site today

12 March 1984 the Club changed its name to Winston Hills Bowling & Recreation Club and merged with Winston Hills Sports Club.

12 December 1988 after continuing losses the Club ceased operations. The land an buildings were sold to the Salvation Army for $1.68M for the purpose of an aged residential development. The net proceeds after discharge of liabilities were distributed to eligible Clubs including Northmead Bowling Club and Hills District Bowling Club.

A PDF copy of Lavalla Member Blog including more details about the history of the Club can be downloaded here

The Parramatta Marist Centenary Magazine 1975 also contained a history of Lavalla Bowling Club to 1975. This 2-page article can be downloaded HERE.

Any further stories and photos of Lavalla would be appreciated. You can use the upload form on the front page of this website.

3 thoughts on “Lavalla Bowling Club”

  1. We had our 6th Form “farewell” there in 1969. It was not a “Formal”. Boys only and school uniform was worn.

  2. We had our sixth form farewell dinner at the Lavalla Bowling Club in 1975. It was a great night, albeit the first time in my life I over-indulged in the amber fluid and was a bit crook the following day!

    1. Hi Greg
      I was there to. I remember being awarded the English Prize only because Paul Curmi had one everything else.
      John Burke

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